Every Fourth Bulgarian Reads a Book every day. Every third - never

Every third of the adults in Bulgaria (36%) state that they do not spend time reading books, and every fourth (24%) read almost daily. This shows the data from a national representative survey of public opinion conducted by the Open Society Institute - Sofia in April 2018, reports MediaPool.bg

The younger and the more educated, the higher-income people, as well as those who browse the Internet more than the country average, are more likely to spend time reading books. This is more often done by people who are more critical of media information and, to a lesser degree, are convinced that the media in the country provide accurate and verified information and do not succumb to political or economic pressures.

The survey results show that there are no significant differences between the reading habits registered in 2016 and 2018.

Young people read more than the elderly

Data show that people over the age of 60 are reading significantly less often than the younger - almost half (49%) of people over 60 say they do not spend time on books, whereas among those aged 29 and over , the ones who are not reading at all, are 2 times less (24%). Among the youngest, every third (34%) states that they read books almost every day, and as the age increases, this share drops to 22% for people over 60. For people over 30, the time spent to read is almost every day - that is the situation for just over 1 in 5 people, which is close to the country average.

Most people who read live in Sofia and the big cities

The share of people who say they spend time reading books almost every day is about 3 times bigger in the capital (33%) and in the regional cities (30%) than in the villages (12%). In municipal centers, they read 21%, which is close to the average...

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