Poll: 58% of Western Balkan Population Believes Bulgaria has Helped for the European Integration of their Country

Sofia. Some 58% of Western Balkan population believes Bulgaria has helped for the European integration of their country, according to a survey conducted in the Western Balkans by the companies which are members of the Gallup International Association (not related to Gallup Inc.) After the Bulgarian EU Presidency, the Western Balkans feel Bulgaria closer, despite the fact that the big EU countries did not offer a very clear perspective. The Bulgarian contribution has been felt and the Western Balkan countries find Bulgaria's role rather positive.

In Albania, 81% share the view that Bulgaria is helping, while in the other countries their share is about 50%, in Montenegro it is 58% and has increased by 10 points compared to last year.

In the neighbouring Macedonia, the local Albanian community expresses highly positive views - 76%, an increase of 40 points compared to last year. In the rest of the population, however, opinions are polarised, which is due to the fierce close-run political battle between the two main parties in the country. The division of opinions proves the need for closer ties with Macedonia. More activities will also be necessary with regard to the Muslim population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Kosovo, where the assessments are more moderate and the cultural proximity to Bulgaria is not so strong.

Some 44% of the population of the Western Balkans or more than 6 million people consider themselves generally familiar with the topic of the EU-Western Balkans summit in May. Half of them even find themselves familiar with the results. The shares are sensitive given that the results of such meetings are usually outside people's everyday concerns.

Source: Focus News Agency

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