PM on key for preserving stability in southern province

Serbian Prime Minister Ana has taken part a high-level meeting, "Actions for Peace," dedicated to peacekeeping operations.

The meeting in New York City was organized by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

Brnabic thanked the UN secretary-general for his commitment to strengthening UN peace-keeping and peace-building mechanisms.

"Peace operations are one of the key instruments for which the UN is strengthening its role in preserving international peace and security," Brnabic said in her address.

The prime minister stressed that Serbia strongly supports the efforts of the United Nations in the maintenance of peace and security.

Today, more than 300 women and men from Serbia are participating in peacekeeping operations under the mandate of the United Nations and the European Union. I am proud that Serbia is a leader in the Western Balkans region and nine among the European countries by the number of participants in peacekeeping missions," she stressed.

It is very important for Serbia, Brnabic continued, that one of the UN missions, UNMIK, has ben established by the UNSC Resolution 1244 in the territory of our country.

"The undiminished presence of UNMIK in Kosovo and Metohija without a change in the mandate is crucial for preserving stability in our southern province," Brnabic pointed out, adding that UNMIK is operating in an extremely complex political and security environment and that it is therefore necessary for the engagement to continue in accordance with UNSC Resolution 1244.

The meeting was also addressed by numerous high ranking officials from around the world, including French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

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