

"That is unprecedented in this nation's history; The USA "furiously" rewrites a plan

US Military is "furiously" rewriting nuclear deterrence to address Russia and China, news portal Defense One reports.
Head of US Strategic Command (STRACTOM) Admiral Chas Richard claims that it needs more Americans working on how to prevent nuclear war.

Texas to Execute Killer Over 1993 Attack on Newlyweds

The southern US state of Texas was on Tuesday scheduled to execute a convicted killer and rapist over a 1993 attack on a newlywed couple, reported AFP

Alvin Braziel, 43, was set to die by lethal injection Tuesday evening at the Texas state prison in Huntsville. 

He was convicted in 2001 of attacking Douglas and Lora White, who had been married just 10 days. 

Plasma jet engines that could take you from the ground to space

Forget fuel-powered jet engines. We’re on the verge of having aircraft that can fly from the ground up to the edge of space using air and electricity alone.

Traditional jet engines create thrust by mixing compressed air with fuel and igniting it. The burning mixture expands rapidly and is blasted out of the back of the engine, pushing it forwards.