Greek Embassy

Elderly expats from Georgia face trial for pension benefit fraud

Dozens of elderly expatriates from Georgia are accused of attempting to fraudulently obtain pension benefits from the Greek Social Solidarity Privileged Benefits Organization. Their trial was postponed on Tuesday until April.

A total of 85 defendants, two of whom have passed away, were indicted for forgery, attempted or completed fraud and embezzlement between 2018 and 2019.

Olive oil exports to Netherlands boosted by expats

Olive oil exports to the Netherlands increased by 32.7% between 2018 to 2022, according to a report by the Greek Embassy in The Hague, which notes that exporters have the so-called brain drain to thank for the bulk of the rise. 

About 30,000, mostly young, professionals chose to move permanently to the Netherlands during the years of financial crisis in search for jobs. 

Erdogan honors Greek ambassador and rescue team for earthquake efforts

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan awarded an honorary medal to the Greek ambassador to Turkey and the EMAK-EKAV search-and-rescue team for their contribution to the efforts to locate survivors after the powerful earthquakes that shook south and central Turkey on February 6, which claimed 50,000 victims.

EYP’s internecine ‘wars of interests’: blunders, scandals, defunct ‘spy rings’ in sketchy past

By Vasilis Labropoulos

In the last 15 years, there have been at least 20 cases of suspicious actions or mistakes within the National Intelligence Service (EYP) that have had an impact on Greek politics and raise questions about EYP's modus operandi and objectives.

At least 30 suspects detained in anti-terror ops

Nearly three dozen of people have been detained in operations launched in different cities over their suspected links to the terrorist organization PKK.

Security units launched the operations one day before the anniversary of the capture of Abdullah Öcalan, the jailed leader of the PKK, in order to prevent any terrorist actions.
