
Bulgaria's Political Landscape in 2023: Populist Parties Below 20% Support

In a recent release of the Authoritarian Populism Index 2024, Bulgaria emerges as a focal point for understanding the intricate interplay of political ideologies shaping Europe's landscape. Published by Timbro and EPICENTER, the index, presented in Bulgarian by the Institute for Market Economics, offers a comprehensive analysis spanning decades of electoral dynamics.

Fighting populism requires honesty and flexibility, Mitsotakis tells Economist

Escaping the grip of populism requires a combination of honesty and flexibility, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has said.

In an "post-populist," 1,000-word contribution to the "By Invitation" series in the Economist, Mitsotakis discussed the means he mobilized to deal with the "rise of populism."

No ‘quick wins’ in defending democracy

Democracy is under threat across the world. Fewer people today live in democracies than did two decades ago. Opposition to democracy, and to capitalism, has grown as populists launch "culture wars" - cruelly exploiting migrants and minorities - and appeal to the socially and economically excluded. This is a cocktail variously stirred by Trump, Brexit, Modi, Le Pen, Orban and Meloni.
