Sex worker

Singers take over Vienna peep show

At a Vienna peep show, all the usual trappings are in evidence -- from mirrors and red velvet to soft lighting -- but coronavirus has led to a change of act.

Artists tired of performing on the internet have moved in and can sing to a live, if ephemeral, audience that now just pays for a few minutes' music at a time.

500 sex workers retire after winning battle against employers in Turkey's west

A total of 500 sex workers have gained the right to retire after victory in a struggle against their employers over their social security rights in the western province of İzmir. 

Turkey's Social Security Institution (SGK) determined that the premiums of a total of 1,800 sex workers working in state brothels had not been paid, daily Habertürk reported on Nov. 8.

Turkish men try to have sex with wives’ belly button, says Turkish sex worker (pics+video)

In an interview to a BBC 3 reporter on the channel’s series ‘Sex in Strange Places’ a Turkish prostitute revealed how women were treated in Turkish society and the lack of sexual education within the Turkey. One of the prostitutes explains to the reporter how she taught men how to have intercourse correctly to stop them from harming their wives.

Dutch driving instructors can take sex for payment – no receipts!

A new law has been passed in the Netherlands making it legal for driving instructors to offer lessons in return for sexual favors from their clients provided the client is over 18.

Dutch politicians support the controversial ‘ride for a ride’ policy and defend its legality.