Russia 'Suspended' From G-8, Says French Foreign Minister

G-8, the group of eight leading economies has suspended Russia's participation in the club, France's Foreign Minister announced.

Die Welt's website quotes Laurent Fabius as saying on Europe-1 radio that "all the other countries, the seven leading countries, will unite without Russia". He also shared the news on his Twitter account.

Fabius, however, made clear that Russian President Vladimir Putin is still invited to D-Day's 70th anniversary commemorations in France on 6 June.

Preparations for an upcoming G-8 summit that was scheduled for June in Sochi had already been cancelled by the US, Germany, France, the UK, Japan, Italy, and Canada.

Back in 1998, Russia was accepted by these seven countries into their club of industrialized nations, which had previously been known as G7 since 1975.

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