China-Greece ‘comprehensive strategic partnership’

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, seen here in a photo taken earlier this month, will visit Athens on Thursday as the head of a Chinese government delegation. The visit is aimed at strengthening bilateral ties between the two nations.

 Premier Li Keqiang writes about his visit’s purpose to consolidate friendship and open up new prospects in the two countries’ relationship

By Li Keqiang *

In this beautiful season when the pansies are in full bloom, I will soon lead a Chinese government delegation to Greece. My wish is to consolidate the traditional friendship between the Chinese and Greek people and open up new prospects for a deeper China-Greece relationship.

China and Greece, two ancient civilizations with proud history and splendid culture, have both made significant contributions to human civilization. I was fascinated by Greek mythology when I was a boy and many stories are still fresh in my mind. The spectacular scenes in Homer’s epic poems and the wise morals of Aesop’s Fables are well known in China, as are philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. As far as I know, the Chinese culture and ancient Chinese sages such as Lao-Tze and Confucius are also well known and respected in Greece.

In the past 42 years, since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Greece have respected, trusted and helped each other. There are many touching stories about this true friendship tested by difficult times. We will never forget how Greece assisted us in three large-scale evacuations of overseas Chinese nationals. The Chinese people still remember vividly that back in February 2011, despite the mounting risks and difficulties amidst the war, Greek shipping companies provided vessels and helped 13,000 Chinese people leave Libya and transit in Greece on their way back home. Likewise, when Greece was caught in the sovereign debt crisis, China promptly extended help to the best of its ability. We are happy to see that through tremendous efforts, the Greek government...

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