Is witch hunt spreading to the military?

The claim that 50 generals, one of them a force commander, were “members of the parallel structure” was first refuted by the President and then the Chief of General Staff. The Office of the Prime Minister also denied the claim that they had “formed a special team to inspect the parallel structure in the military.”

This story was published at the daily Akşam. This paper had been bought by Ethem Sancak, one of those “balcony friends” of the prime minister. It is quite obvious that this story would not have been published without the permission; moreover, without the order of the prime minister.

The person managing the paper was a deputy of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) last term.

The fact that he is occupying that position is not an issue that could be thought without the approval of the prime minister. He held that position even at the interim management before the sale.

For this reason we can call this paper “semi-official.” It is not possible for a story that the prime minister and his team do not like to be printed in this paper.

Serpil Çevikcan from daily Milliyet wrote a story after she “talked to military sources.” It is not too difficult to guess that the military sources are top level generals. From that story we learn that the atmosphere dominating the Chief of Staff Headquarters was that this claim was “the preparation of a second conspiracy against the military.”

Before the Supreme Military Council (YAS), we understand that a “parallel structure suspicion” was being created among the command echelon and generals so that their retirement and promotion decisions would be affected.

The first...

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