Romania receives 24.67 billion euros from EU and pays 10.2 billion euros after accession


Romania received from the European Union (EU) budget 24.67 billion euros since the accession in 2007 until the end of the first semester of 2014 and paid to the EU 10.2 billion euros in the same period, the flow balance being in Romania's favour with 14.46 billion euros, according to the Report on the economic and budget situation on the first six months of 2014 drawn up by the Public Finance Ministry (MFP).

After the accession, in 2007, Romania received from the EU pre-accession funds worth 2.66 billion euros and post-accession funds accounting for 22.01 billion euros, out of which structural and cohesion funds — 9.07 billion euros, rural development and fishery funds — 5.644 billion euros, payments from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund — 5.936 billion euros, and other post-accession funds — 1.35 billion euros.

In the first semester of 2014 Romania received from the EU budget 3.58 billion euros and paid 1.005 billion euros, the balance being in Romania's favour with 2.58 billion euros.

In the first half of this year, Romania received structural and cohesion funds worth 1.74 billion euros, rural development and fishery funds — 521.35 million euros, and European Agricultural Guarantee Fund payments for farmers — 1.29 billion euros.

The Romanian authorities estimate to draw 7.86 billion euros from the EU in 2014. AGERPRES

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