Bulgaria's Georgieva to Be Questioned by 3 EP Committees

Three committees at the European Parliament are to take part in the interrogation of Kristalina Georgieva in end-September.

Georgieva and all other commissioner candidates are to be heard at the sessions scheduled between September 29 and October 7 at the European Parliament.

The Committees to question Georgieva, who was picked by EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to become Vice President for Budget and Human Resources, are on Budgets, Budgetary Control and Legal Affairs.

However, she will not be the candidate to face the strongest jury, with Finland's ex-PM Jyrki Katainen due to give answers to five committees before taking the post of Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness.

A final decision on the dates of the separate hearings is to be adopted Thursday.

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