When it comes to gender equality…

Abdullah Çakıroğlu, who kicked Ayşegül Terzi on a public bus because she was wearing shorts, was released in the first hearing of the trial on Oct. 26. It is not possible not to protest against this decision. In fact, anybody with a conscience reacted and voiced their protests.  

What Çakıroğlu said in his "defense" lacked all intelligence. There is no need to repeat it. 

It is also meaningless to try to search for something that resembles Çakıroğlu, because such a comparison would be an insult to that thing.  

So much has been written about gender equality. The first form of inequality in human history has started with settled life and the advent of property. Then, the physical strength of men started to see women as something that could be owned, which constituted the start of gender inequality. Until this day, this inequality has continued in various doses as the effort of men to dominate woman. 

Because of this "domination" of men - moving from physical power to economic power, from economic power to social and political power - humanity has never been able to reach the natural equality between women and men. 

This natural equality is best defined in the words of the scientist Dorothy Lee, who said equality is not a principle to be applied, but rather it is in the very nature of things, as a product of the democratic structure of culture itself. In such societies there is no effort to achieve equality; actually there is not even the concept of equality, Lee wrote. Most of the time there is not even a linguistic mechanism to make a comparison. Rather, there is already absolute respect for all humans and all individuals, regardless of age. 

Because there is no inequality, there is also no "equality" issue. Thus...

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