BiH Muslims appeal UN top court's ruling which cleared Serbia of 1990s 'genocide'

The Muslim-Bosniak member of Bosnia-Herzegovina's tripartite presidency is appealing the decision that cleared Serbia of genocide charges during the 1992-95 civil war. He has launched a case with the Hague-based International Court of Justice.

Member of the presidency Bakir Izetbegovic is seeking to reverse the UN's decision, telling journalists in Sarajevo on Thursday that "the request is being submitted at this very moment," according to Reuters.

"I think that I am on the path of truth and justice," he added.

Request to revise the ICJ ruling on Bosnia's genocide lawsuit against Serbia, submitted on Thursday is based on a decision made by the Bosniak member of the presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina - without the presidency's consent.

The appeal is being launched just before the 10-year deadline for such a request expires on February 26.


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