Average salary fell 2.07 pct within a year

Employees in Greece's private sector are typically young - aged up to 49 years - and on low salaries, statistics on worker data submitted to the Single Social Security Entity (EFKA) by employers have shown, with the average salary from the year starting in August 2015 dropping 2.07 percent across the sector.

In August 2016 the average salary for full-timers amounted to 974.66 euros per month, while part-timers pocketed an average 427.35 euros, which is 10.08 euros down on a year earlier.

From a total of 1,981,501 people employed in the public sector, the average period of monthly employment came to 22.02 days; this was 22.15 days/month in common enterprises and 13.14 days/month in construction companies.

The EFKA employment statistics showed that 82.4 percent of workers in the private sector are under 50 years old, and 54.31 of employees are male, a rate that...

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