The Police Arrested a Commander from Islamic State in Special Operation in Sofia (Video)

A Bulgarian citizen of Syrian origin, who was involved with the formation of Islamic State, was detained in Sofia in a special operation by GDBOP and DANS on September 29, the state indictment service announced today. A total of two men and one woman are in constant detention win connection with two offenses - illegal production and distribution of tobacco for hookah and terrorism.

According to the services, the head of the group has settled in Bulgaria in 2008 and has received Bulgarian citizenship. In the summer of 2013, he joined Syria's "Islamic State" by actively taking part in combat operations and enjoying managerial functions. This is evidenced by an open, authentic document of the organization with which he had the right to move freely into the combat zone.

In the spring of 2016, he returned to Bulgaria and, without interrupting his ties with ISIS, organized a criminal group for the illegal production and distribution of hookah tobacco. Illegal activity was used as a cover and a major source of funding for the jihadist.

According to the evidence gathered, the raw chopped tobacco was bought from producers in the country and supplied to the capital. In a specially hired and prepared room (in the popular "Wagon - Restaurant" in Sofia) a participant in the group handled the tobacco in buckets of different essences and chemicals, without complying with any hygienic and sanitary requirements.

From there, the raw material was transported in several warehouses in Sofia, where illegally employed workers pressed it in suitable forms, dried and packed. The placement of the finished products in Bulgaria and abroad was made through known participants in the group of Arabic buyers. This is about 300-500 kg per day for Bulgaria, the Netherlands,...

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