The Institute for Historical Research - BAS Celebrates its 70th Anniversary


Today, the Institute for Historical Research - BAS celebrates its 70th anniversary. The anniversary will be solemnly celebrated in the Grand Salon of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences with a scientific conference "Historical science in the face of modern challenges" and a documentary exhibition "70 Years of Lived History".

The conference will present basic and summarized aspects of the development of historical science in Bulgaria and the world during the period from the end of the Second World War to the present days.

The current professional, political and social challenges faced by past knowledge and historians as its experts will be discussed. Participants in the forum are scientists both from the Institute for Historical Research and from other institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski "and others. The Documentary Exhibition "70 Years of Lived History" presents the development of the Institute for Historical Research in Images and Dates - from its first steps to the present day

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