Average net monthly salary in Serbia EUR 400

Average gross salaries and wages paid in Serbia in November amounted to RSD 65,609 (EUR 550) - RSD 47,575 (EUR 400) net.

Average gross salaries and wages paid in Serbia in November amounted to RSD 65,609 (EUR 550) - RSD 47,575 (EUR 400) net.

Compared to October, this was an increase of 1.6 percent in nominal and real terms, while average net salaries and wages increased by 1.5 percent both in nominal and real terms, the Statistic Office (RZS) announced.

Year-on-year, gross and net salaries and wages increased by four percent in nominal and by 1.2 percent in real terms.

The RZS noted in a statement that starting in 2018, it will be calculating average salaries and wages on based on the Tax Administration data.


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