False Alarm About a Ballistic Missile Scared Hawaii


False alarm for a ballistic missile launch frightened the Hawaiians, the World Agencies have reported. Shortly after 8pm Bulgarian time last night a Hawaiian emergency response officer triggered the alert system. On their mobile phones, islanders received a message saying: "A ballistic missile threat coming to Hawaii. Seek immediate cover. This is not a doctrine. " 38 minutes later, a message was sent explaining that the scare was fake.

Hague's Governor David Ige apologized for the mistake. "What happened is totally unacceptable. Much of our community here was affected by it. I'm sorry for the pain and confusion anyone can have experienced. I am very angry and disappointed because of what happened, "he said, the BNR said.

" I take responsibility for what has happened. My team made a mistake. We are studying the issue to make sure it does not happen again, "said Verne Miyagi of the Hawaiian Emergency Response Agency.

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