This is Why Alcohol Erases our Memories

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Does alcohol kill brain cells? See what scientists say about this:

Scientists at the University of St. Louis Medical School explain the mechanism of alcohol and what happens to the brain when one can not remember the events of a certain period - the so-called "white spots".

The survey reveals some interesting facts. We can dance all night, talk, finally get to the bed, but then we can not remember anything.

Alcohol has a serious effect on our brain, besides making us more outgoing and starving for pizza and food in general. The study shows that large amounts of alcohol interfere with the workings of key receptors in the hippocampus, the primary memory center.

Scientists believe that large doses of alcohol do not kill brain cells, but rather release components that prevent the brain from forming memories.

"This explains why, at high levels of intoxication, people do not remember what they did the night before," says Dr. Charles Zorumski, a professor at the University of Washington.

Alcohol may not kill brain cells, but this is not an argument in favor of heavy drinking - even if we do not lose our cognitive abilities, the negative effects on the body are far worse than the morning headaches.

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