"It's no coincidence at all - Serbia's silent for Russia"

Historians believe that Informbiro is not talked about in Serbia because of the role of Russia, which for years has had territorial intentions in the Balkans.

Historian and former senior official of the SFR Yugoslavia Latinka Perovic said that the anniversary of the Informbiro Resolution is not talked about in Serbia today and that this is not at a coincidence at all primarily because of Russia's role in Serbia.

"The Russians have always been here and this is a strategic interest that their ambassadors have very openly communicated and continue to communicating," Perovic said at a panel organized on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Informbiro Resolution, held at the Lazar Vrkatic Faculty in Novi Sad.

According to her, 1948 has been reduced only to repression that took place on Goli Otok, while the emancipatory process that occurred ten and was opened in the long run is not being talked about.

Historian Milivoj Beslin said that the Balkan nations, thanks to the "historical No" of 1948, were for the first time not only objects, but subjects in world politics.

He assessed that in Serbia this is kept silent about because of today's role of Russia, which is nothing new. "For three centuries we have been able to monitor the imperial territorial intentions of Russia towards the Balkans and this has not changed even today," Beslin said.

He added that with the breakup with Stalin in 1948, the then Soviet hegemony was blocked in the socialist block of states.

"To all who view 1948 only through Goli Otok, I recommend to read the documents about hundreds of fallen Yugoslav soldiers in the undeclared war of the USSR war against Yugoslavia in 1948," Beslin said.

Stalin and the leadership of the USSR accused the Communist Party of Yugoslavia on June 28, 1948 of conducting improper internal and foreign policy, that is, a departure from Marxism and...

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