We need the new diaspora back

It is impossible to say with any certainty how many Greeks have been forced by circumstance to leave the country since the start of the crisis. However, the simple fact is that however many there are, we need them back - the country needs them, and for all sorts of reasons.

We need people with an appetite for work, who are professional and can operate as part of a team within the context of a system. Greeks who have shed the false expectations of the past for a cushy job in the public sector or a life bankrolled by subsidies can play an important role in the country's revival.

The sad truth, however, is that the way back home is strewn with obstacles. In a recent letter to Kathimerini, a young academic recounted how she expressed interest in a position here in Greece that she had seen advertised only to realize later down the line that it had been intended for...

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