Tobacco Factory in Blagoevgrad Stopped Working Leaving 200 People Without Jobs

Bulgartabac factory in Blagoevgrad stops working, but there is still no clear position on whether it is temporary or not. From more than 2,000 employees years ago, currently the factory employs about 200 people. A few days ago they were told that they had to submit notices of termination on the grounds that there was not enough work, reports BNT. 

The redundant workers are expected to receive between 4 and 5 salaries depending on the length of service, as well as the right to be on the dole for four months with minimum size of unempleoyment benefits. Currently, there is no formal opinion from Bulgartabac if the plant in Blagoevgrad ceases activity.

Central trade union organisations have not been formally notified of the employer's intentions, the alerts were filed by people working in the cigarette factory. According to the chair of the tobacco federation of Podkrepa, Yuli Manoilov, the closure of the largest enterprise in the area will seriously affect the economy of the city.

Yuli Manoilov, Chair of the Tobacco Federation at Podkrepa trade union: For people it means some hard months, years, until they find new jobs. People working in the tobacco industry are narrow specialists who worked for many years only in this profession. They are specialists in this industry and it depends how much they are already prepared for what would appear to them as an opportunity in further activity.

According to the chair of the Tobacco Federation at Podkrepa, bad management had led to staff cuts at the plant. According to the privatisation contract, Bulgartabac has a commitment to keep the object of production until 2021 in Bulgaria, but it is not specified where.

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