Papacosta to approve Prespes name deal in parliament

Deputy Citizens' Protection Minister Katerina Papacosta indicated on Thursday that she will vote in favor of the Prespes accord in Parliament tonight, adding to the number of MPs who have expressed their support for the deal.

"My reading [of the deal] is positive in specific points," she said, adding that the name Macedonia "had been usurped" for years and now "it returns to us, along with its culture."

Apart from the 145 MPs in SYRIZA, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras can also rely on the votes of three MPs of centrist Potami - Stavros Theodorakis, Giorgos Mavrotas and Spyros Lykoudis - as well as Independent Greeks (ANEL) MP Thanasis Papachristopoulos and Elena Kountoura, the ex-ANEL tourism minister, along with independent MPs Spyros Danellis and Thanasis Theoharopoulos.

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