How To Retain and Attract Talented Employees

In recent years, workplace loyalty has taken a backseat as millennial workers constantly weigh up their options, moving jobs every two-three years. So, what can businesses do to make their organization a place that people want to work?

Of course, they can offer a good salary, paid holiday, medical insurance and a pension plan to start with, but they can also concentrate their efforts on creating a work environment that people enjoy being in. Job satisfaction is key to retaining staff and their talent. Job satisfaction occurs when staff feel:

  • Appreciated

  • Respected

  • Involved

Create a safe and comfortable work environment

So much time is spent working, that if you provide a safe and comfortable work environment, not only are employees more productive, but you are demonstrating that you respect them too.

You have a legal obligation to keep your employees safe and to have liability insurance for employers to recompense them in the worst-case scenario. Liability insurance is important for your employees' protection, but also for yours too. As Hiscox point out, businesses without the right level of cover for their staff will face fines every day until the correct insurance is put in place.

Make employees feel valued

While employees are a company's best asset, they don't want to feel like one! Your employees should feel like they are valued within your business and not just an essential overhead. It can be as simple as greeting them by name, chatting to them about projects that they are working on, or asking their opinion on topics. Taking the time to be personable with your staff makes them feel valued and an important member of the team.

Develop an honest and open...

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