ND enjoys 14 point lead over SYRIZA, poll of poll finds

Opposition New Democracy enjoys a 14-point lead over incumbent SYRIZA in a poll of polls conducted by the European Parliament ahead of elections for representatives at the bloc's legislative body on May 23-26.

In its "Report on developments in the political landscape," the European Parliament's Public Opinion Monitoring Unit found that the conservative opposition, which is a member of the European People's Party, saw its popularity average come in at a high of 39.2 percent in January, with SYRIZA, of the European United Left, trailing at 25 percent.

Far-right Golden Dawn came in at a distant third with 7 percent, with Movement for Change coming in slightly behind it at 6.8 percent and the Greek Communist Party (KKE) at 6.4 percent.

Popular Unity, Union of Centrists and Independent Greeks - the government's erstwhile coalition partner - are not seen garnering more...

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