Entertainers as politicians

There's an entertainer type that's a category in itself. An entertainer is defined as someone whose job is to please or amuse their audience. In order to achieve their objective, they stage a performance, dance, sing or step into a role. They will in other words try to keep the audience interested, or in a festive mood. It's quite a popular profession in Greece.

The country's politicians have transformed it into an art. Each manages to preserve their own distinct characteristics which are in tune with their public demeanor. One, for example, says about his rival: "We kicked him out… he was one of Schaeuble's people, or a speculator or a madman. Greece is better off without him."

Meanwhile, the politician that was supposedly kicked out responds: "Maybe, in an alternative universe conjured up by a fantasy… Have you ever felt like you were being torn apart by a dying...

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