Most EU Citizens Believe that the Union Stands for Peace and Democratic Values

A large majority of EU citizens believe that the European Union is defending peace and democratic values, but at the same time distant from its problems and ineffective, according to a study by a US think-tank, announced and quoted by DPA.
The Pew Research Center has conducted the survey in the top 10 of the 28 EU member states and found that 74 per cent of respondents are convinced that the EU is serving peace and 74 per cent claim that the alliance defends democratic values.

"Despite the crises caused by such events, such as the European debt crisis, the massive wave of refugees, and Brexit, Europeans continue to be convinced that the EU is upholding noble goals," it said in a summary of the survey results. Overall, 62 per cent say they are positive about the EU.
The most pro-European are the Poles, and the least - the Greeks.
The survey found widespread worries about the state of the economy.

Half of respondents believe the average person's financial condition has deteriorated over the last 20 years, and 58 per cent worry that their children will live worse.
As far as migration is concerned, the results show a more nuanced picture of the attitude to the problem than can be judged by the media.

Fewer than 50 per cent of respondents believe their countries should accept fewer migrants, but 53 per cent are convinced migrants are making their countries stronger.
Even larger majority support the admission of refugees fleeing war and violence and support the migration of skilled workers.

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