Antisemite Attacked a Synagogue in the United States, There are Killed and Injured

An American with anti-Semitic views started shooting at a synagogue in California on Saturday, killing a woman and injuring three, police said. John Irurnest is 19, and before the attack he posted a public letter in a social network stating that he was inspired by his actions of killing 50 people in mosques in New Zealand and the lethal attack on the Pittsburgh synagogue last year.

He was captured by the police north of San Diego. President Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that it appears to be a "hate crime."

Ernest started fire while there was a service in the temple and people were celebrating Pesach. The attack came in half a year after 11 people were killed in the bloodiest anti-Semitic offense in the US's recent history in Pittsburgh.

The attacker was investigated in connection with a mosque arson last month. In the Shabad movement synagogue he used an AR-15 automatic weapon.

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