"Empty speeches": Thaci assesses Berlin meeting

According to him, this creates "the danger that violent ethnic conflict will return to the Balkans."

In an interview for the Financial Times given in Berlin this week, Thaci also assessed that the EU is "too weak, internally divided and worried about populist advances in the forthcoming European Parliament elections" to take a strategic approach to the Belgerade-Pristina problem.
He also said that "the skillfully coordinated US-European diplomacy" over the Athens-Skopje dispute was absent in the case of Belgrade and Pristina.
"Without the involvement and leading role of the US, I am skeptical that somebody from the EU can do much. The US role is decisive for a solution," he said.
Thaci also revealed that "mutual recognition" was Pristina's goal, to open "the path to the EU" to both sides.
"But there can be no compromise over Kosovo's independence. Otherwise we'll be stuck in a frozen conflict, with huge consequences for the future and a possibility of conflict between Serbia and Kosovo," said he.
And while Thaci "appreciated the efforts of Merkel, Macron and Federica Mogherini" - he had this to day about Monday's meeting in Berlin: "Not only I, but all of us from the region were disappointed. There was nothing concrete, just all these empty speeches."

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