Editorial: The revenge of history

The prime minister has for years posed as the judge and critic of everyone.

From the very start of his political career he unleashed weighty allegations against individuals and groups and he blamed his opponents for all the ills of the world.

He accused them of mismanaging public funds, of being enemies of the people, and of being cynical respresentatives of a horrible political class which served only its own interests, as it was indifferent to the needs of the people.

Mr. Tsipras condemned and publicly denounced stances and behaviours, including the supposed luxurious lifestye of others. He demonised social gatherings and friendly relationships, which he dismissed as the basis of conspiracies and opportunities for corruption and illegal enrichment.

The PM threw the baby out with the bath water. He did not treat people as individuals but instead would declare that they and their families are representatives of the opposing camp, and thus condemnable and worthy of expulsion.

Mr. Tsipras handed his opponents over to the mockery of society and into the hands of miserable party propagandists, who, unhindered, were often motivated by personal interests and their putative sole truth
They put themselves first and passed the buck as regards real or manufactured responsibilities.

That was the basis of the criminalisation of political life supposedly in the name of serving the interests of the Greek people.

Based on this choice, the government carried out its operation to criminalise political life, supposedly in order to defend the interests of the Greek people. It cultivated anti-systemic hatred, division, and split up society.
The PM fancied himself as the censorious Cato the Elder. The difference is that Cato served...

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