Eurostat: Every Second Young Bulgarian Lives With His Parents

In the EU, over a third (35.3%) of men aged 25-34 still live with their parents in 2017, compared with only 21.7% of ladies of the same age group, according to a Eurostat study. On average, one in four young Europeans live in their family home.

In the Member States, the proportion of young people aged between 25 and 34 still living in their father's house varies from less than 10% in Denmark (3.2%), Finland (4.7%) and Sweden (6 %), to over half in Croatia (59.7%), Slovakia (57%) and Greece (56.3%). In Bulgaria this share is 46.2%. For our country data on last year are also provided - 46.8% in 2018

On average, young Europeans leave their family home at the age of 26.

 In Bulgaria, young people leave their parent's home on average at about 29 years.

The trend shows that in almost all EU countries young women leave their homes earlier than men.

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