Partial count reveals 1.6 million say yes in justice referendum

Data centralised by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC) as of Monday at 10:23hrs, EEST, indicated that 1,625,321 people voted "YES" to question no. 1 and 1,619,681 said "YES" to question no. 2, both in Sunday's justice referendum. Answering "NO" to question no. 1 were 277,976 voters, and doing the same to question no. 2 were 271,104 voters. The voter turnout in the referendum was 7,913,195, meaning more than over 40 percent of total voters. Under Law 3/2000, in order for a national referendum to be valid, at least 30 percent of the persons on the permanent electoral rolls have to show up at the polls. AGERPRES (RO - author: Florentina Stefanescu, editor: Claudia Stanescu; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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