Censure motion/ PM Dancila to the Opposition: "Do you really want to come to governing?"

The text of the censure motion contains "mystification of truth" and doesn't have not even a constructive idea that can "bring the improvement of the current act of governance" to the benefit of Romanians, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stated on Tuesday in the debate of the censure motion called "The Dancila Government must be dismissed! No OUGs [Emergency Government Ordinances - e.n.], no access password and no queues for voting ." "It is the third time when I come because of a censure motion and I see the same approach from the Opposition: mystification of truth, the lack of a viable solution for the Romanians and Romania, the supremacy of insults to the common sense politics. I have read the text of this censure motion in hope of finding at least a constructive idea that will bring the improvement of the act of governance to the benefit of society. I have not found it. In fact, the entire text of the censure motion shows only one thing: the Opposition's incapacity to deliver a serious project for the good of this country. It's obvious that you don't represent an alternative to the governing. I'm asking you with all honesty: do you really want to come to govern, do you really want to change this government until the next elections? I know that you don't. I haven't seen (...) not even a beneficial measure for the Romanians, not a concrete idea about the functioning of the economy in the interests of the citizens. However, I have seen in the public statements of the leaders, many metaphors and slogans, I've seen that you want to cut farmers' subsidies. (...) You want to lay people off, remove vacation vouchers, reduce and cut. What do you propose to Romanians, what will they gain by you possibly coming to governing? Slogans?," Dancila stated in the Parliament plenary sitting. AGERPRES (RO - author: Catalina Matei, editor: Florin Marin; EN - author: Rodica State, editor: Razvan-Adrian Pandea)

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