Turkish navy accompanying drillships in East Mediterranean

The Turkish Defense Ministry has posted a video on Twitter taken by unmanned aircraft of its drillships in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The ministry said in the post that the drillships are being constantly monitored by the Turkish military navy with the use of  Bayraktar TB-2 type drones, helicopters and airplane of the Turkish port authority, and by submarines and corvettes at sea.   

Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığımız, Doğu Akdeniz'de sondaj çalışması yapan gemilerimize;
havadan "BAYRAKTAR TB-2 İHA , Deniz Karakol Uçağı ve Deniz Helikopterleri", suüstünden "Fırkateyn, Korvet ve Hücumbotlar", sualtından "Denizaltılar" ile sürekli ve kesintisiz refakat ediyor. pic.twitter.com/zeqBWAE39n

— T.C. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) July 23, 2019

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