Women in Bulgaria Live on Average 7 Years Longer than Men

The difference between the average life expectancy of women and men in Bulgaria is exactly 7 years in favor of the female, with the ladies in our country registering an average age of survival of 78.4 years, while for the men the statistics report 71.4 years. This is shown by data from an analysis of Eurostat on average life expectancy in the EU for the period 2017-2018.

The total life expectancy of our country for the said period was 74.8 years, which ranks us among the countries with the lowest average life expectancy in the EU together with Latvia (75 years). The EU average life expectancy was 81 years.

The different mortality rates for men and women in our country determine the average mortality rate of the population in the country, and for a 10-year period (2008-2018) there is a significant increase in the survival rate for men in Bulgaria - 1.9 years, and for women - 1.8 years.

There is also a significantly higher average life expectancy among the population in the cities in the cities compared to the villages - the people in the cities live about 2.9 years longer than in the villages.

The average life expectancy in Bulgaria varies considerably and according to some regions - from 73 years in Montana district (lower than the national average) - to 77 years in Sofia city and Kardzhali district.

In addition, the average life expectancy of Bulgarians over the age of 65 last year was reported to be plus 16 years, with a 10-year increase of 1.2 years.

For comparison, the average life expectancy of 65-year-old men in France for the 2017-2018 period is measured at around plus 20 years and for ladies there at around plus 24 years.

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