Greece 2021

Milestones often present opportunities and the upcoming 200-year anniversary of the start of the Greek War of Independence in 1821 could serve as an opportunity for a new beginning.

It may sound a bit ambitious, but incurable optimists who insist on believing that some things can change in this country now have a symbolic year, a specific date on which to pin their hopes of Greece turning a page.

The opportunity for the 2021 bicentennial to serve as a signal of rebirth for Hellenism across the globe should not be missed, but for any such endeavor to become a success, it needs to become a joint effort defined by unity of purpose by all, rather than viewed as an opportunity for self-promotion by some or for sidelining others. No individual, party or group should try to hijack an event that belongs to all Greeks, while the celebration of Hellenism should not be...

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