UDMR's Hunor, after meeting Ludovic Orban: The gov't has serious chances to pass Parliament

UDMR (Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania) leader Kelemen Hunor on Tuesday stated that the Orban Government has serious chances to pass Parliament in the upcoming weeks and announced at the same time that his party will make a decision whether it will support the new Executive or not after the governing programme and the proposals of ministers are made public. "We believe that there are serious, good chances for this Government to pass Parliament in the upcoming weeks, but we need to wait first for the Prime Minister-designate to make public the governing programme and the list of ministers, which should happen this week, given the ten-day deadline since the designation of Mr Ludovic Orban as PM by President Iohannis (...). We believe that we need a written agreement and we gave a text to our Liberal colleagues including all the elements," specified the UDMR head, at the Parliament Palace, after his meeting with PM-designate Ludovic Orban. Kelemen added that, during the second round of negotiations they had, he told Orban that he expects the new government to avoid assuming responsibility for or issuing emergency ordinances in such fields as Justice, the electoral system and administration, and that he recommended that all laws approved by the Romanian Parliament and all the ratification treaties signed by Romania on the rights of ethnic minorities be observed. "We said that we expect the new Government not to assume responsibility or issue emergency ordinances in the following fields: Justice, the electoral system and administration. There are certain fields where no government can avoid issuing ordinances. The budget revision for instance requires such ordinance. I also said and recommended that all laws approved by the Romanian Parliament and all the ratification treaties signed by Romania on the rights of ethnic minorities, and not just these, be observed, and that we need to resume everything that hasn't been done in the property restitution field, considering the Government's role in this, of course," underscored Kelemen Hunor. The UDMR leader specified he gave a text to the Liberals including all these requirements. "We believe that there is need of a written agreement and that's why we gave a text to our Liberal colleagues, a text which includes the elements that I have already mentioned here, for this period, 2019-2020. For every time when we supported a government, be it a minority or a majority one, every time that we had a parliamentary collaboration, we did it based on a written agreement, a signed agreement. Through collaboration, discussions, arguments, we can overcome this period of two-three years that separated us and increase the level of mutual trust between UDMR and PNL (National Liberal Party)," Kelemen pointed out. AGERPRES (RO - author: Sorin Penes, editor: Catalin Alexandru; EN - author: Cristina Zaharia, editor: Adina Panaitescu)

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