President Iohannis hails Romanian troops as genuine ambassadors of Romania

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on November 11, War Zone Veterans Day, in which he hails the country's troops participating in foreign missions as genuine ambassadors of Romania. "The celebration of War Zone Veterans Day gives us the opportunity to extend our gratitude to the troops returning from war zones and to pay homage to the fallen heroes servicing under Romania's banner. (...) Romania has met its commitments in a professional manner as an ally and member of the world community, while being a security provider in the Black Sea region, an area with many and dynamic security challenges, and we owe a great deal to the troops in the war zones outside the national boundaries. I want to commend the Romanian military personnel who participate in missions in Angola, Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo and who are true examples of professional competence, sense of duty towards the country and a spirit of sacrifice. Our soldiers enjoy the respect of their comrades in NTAO and partner countries, and they are genuine ambassadors of Romania where the interests of our country demand it." He congratulates the Romanian military who take part in risky missions on the way they carry out their tasks, "animated by honour and the ultimate vocation to defend their country," extending thanks to the families left at home who understand how important it is to support those left to contribute to the promotion of Romania in the world and to the consolidation of its status as a member of NATO, the EU and a US strategic partner. "On this anniversary, I want to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers and I wish much good health and success in their activity to the war zone veterans," says Iohannis. He mentions that November 11 is celebrated throughout Europe as Armistice Day marking the entry into force in 1918 of an armistice signed between the Entente Powers and Germany that ended WWI, when favourable circumstances for achieving Romania's Greater Union of December 1, 1918 were created. AGERPRES (RO - author: Florentina Peia, editor: Claudia Stanescu; EN - author: Corneliu-Aurelian Colceriu, editor: Rodica State)

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