The tiresome brain drain discussion

I can't speak for anyone else, but as a Greek in Greece I am starting to get tired of the whole brain drain discussion - almost angry, in fact, because instead of healing the wounds of the crisis, it's just like pouring salt on them.

When you keep going on and on about Greece having lost all its talented and hardworking professionals, what kind of message are you sending to the ones who have stayed behind? When you keep saying that the best of the country's labor force has gone, you're implying that the people left behind are the worst, or at best mediocre.

Has anyone really considered what it means to everyone here when the professionals that left are hailed almost as if they were the saviors of the Greek economy and are equated with economic growth? What's more, have they even considered how it makes the people who left feel? Isn't it unfair to place such an...

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