A response to the 120 NGOs

Dear 120 human rights organizations, it was with surprise that I read your recent statement to the leaderships of Greece and the European Union, bombastically titled "Protect our laws and humanity!"

In it, you accuse Greece of violating the "fundamental principle of non-refoulement," without mentioning that Turkey is considered a "safe country" and therefore refugees who are returned there are not at risk. You deny Greece's right to suspend asylum procedures and failed to ask yourselves whether the profile of the people amassing at Greece's border is more in keeping with people who are being directed by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan or proper refugees.
Nor do you wonder why all these so-called refugees attacked the Greek border guards at Evros with stones, iron bars and Turkish Army-issued tear gas, or why not a single one of these thousands looking for a way...

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