Interest in purple bread grows in Black Sea province

The sour-yeast-added purple bread obtained with the mixture of purple vegetables and fruits is currently very popular due to the coronavirus outbreak in the Black Sea province of Trabzon's Vakfıkebir district, which is famous for its bread.

It is claimed that bread with sour yeast, which contains purple fruits and vegetables such as cherries, plums, red beets, is nutritional for those with diabetes, blood pressure problems, cardiovascular diseases and weak body immunity.

The choice of those who turned to natural and organic products was purple bread due to the outbreak.

The bread has been in high demand, with many orders being placed with bakery companies that produce purple bread in the district.
Yunus Emre Kutoğlu, who is a baker in Vakfıkebir, said that bread, which is sold as purple bread in the market but which is colored with food dyes, can be distinguished by using a "lemon test." 

"Food dyes cannot be separated from the dough. When you squeeze lemons on purple bread, its purple color turns red over time. This way, we can understand whether it is real or not," Kutoğlu said. 

World-famous Vakfıkebir breads are baked in wood-fired stone ovens and are leavened with natural sourdough.

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