Pentagon buys 100,000 bags for dead bodies, no coffins

These bags, known as the morgue bags, are used by the military for the remains of soldiers killed in combat, NY Daily News reports.
They will arrive through the Federal Crisis Management Agency, which has already provided New York City, anticipating the magnitude of the problem, with more truckloads of refrigerated trucks for the purpose of dumping dead bodies that are increasing day by day.
More than 249.559 people were infected across the United States, with 6.047 dead. Of that number, in New York alone, 51.809 are positive to COVID-19. So far, 1.562 people have died in that city.
Situation is alarming in all fields, hospitals are overcrowded, morgues also, lack of aspirators will become a serious problem in six days.
There is a shortage of medical workers, although the planes come from all over the United States on a daily basis, there is not enough protection equipment. Because of all this, the media quoted one of the doctors allegedly saying that they feel "like sheep before slaughter" when they go to work.
In a city where more than 10.000 people are hospitalized, the only empty hospital, with the exception of 20 admitted patients, is the one on the "Comfort" military ship anchored in Manhattan, which has, among other things, 1.000 beds and 12 operating rooms.
They say that the accommodation of patients, who should be those who are not positive for coronavirus and are in need of immediate medical attention, is further aggravated by the fact that it is not easy to bring patients in ambulance to a ship anchored at the Statue of Liberty.

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