Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev: An Increase in the Mortality From COVID-19 is Expected

The director of the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Prof. Todor Kantardzhiev commented on the development of the coronavirus epidemic in Bulgaria. He warned that an increase in mortality from COVID-19 in Bulgaria should be expected.

"A month ago in our country mostly young people were ill, a very small part of them were hospitalized and even fewer of them needed intensive care. In early June, young people were infected mainly at group events. I'm talking about proms, nightclubs, football matches with an audience. The bad thing is what we assumed and for which I have always warned -  that young people will infect their older parents and grandparents. This is the reason why most patients need to be treated in hospitals, and a much larger number need intensive care ", explained the expert.

Prof. Todor Kantardjiev added that the Ministry of Health is doing everything possible to ensure the best treatment and the best organization for the crisis at the moment.

"The number of reproductions of COVID-19 in our country in the last three weeks is about 1.0, 10 people infect no more than 11 ", added Todor Kantardzhiev.

"Does a person need treatment in a hospital, does a person with this infection need intensive care, usually the hospital stay is quite long and unfortunately it is sometimes fatal. Of course, you can ask the "specialists" who have been talking for 4 months and continue to say that this is a mild infection and there is no need for hospital treatment at all, there is no need for quarantine.

And the point of what we are doing now - the ministry, the Metropolitan Regional Health Inspectorate, all fellow doctors who work on this front - is that we need to catch sick people as early as possible, find their contacts, so...

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