Does this definitely change everything: The virus was present in the US before Wuhan?

According to the American Center, American doctors officially diagnosed the first COVID-19 case in one patient in January 2020, on the basis of which it was concluded that the virus was most likely already circulating in America.
The study was published in all professional journals, and was based on the testing of 7.400 blood samples taken from the territory of nine federal states between December 13, 2019 and January 17, 2020.
It was discovered that antibodies to coronavirus were found in as many as 106, which indicates that these individuals were positive and that they had undergone COVID-19.
This means, the study further states, that the coronavirus circulated freely throughout the country long before its official confirmation, long before China acknowledged that it had a new virus in Wuhan. Also, the American researcher linked all these data with the official statistics that in the beginning of 2019, an increased number of patients with flu-like symptoms, but with an extremely strong cough, was registered in America. However, this is not a revolutionary discovery because theories that the coronavirus originated outside of China have already emerged. For example, Italian cancer experts accidentally discovered that in the blood of patients they tested for a completely different reason, there were already antibodies specific to patients who had undergone coronavirus.
Moreover, similar studies were conducted in France and Greece.

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