Bulgarian Sociologist: We have to Get Used to New Normalcy, There is No Way Back

"We have to get used to the new normalcy, we will not go back to life until March 2020," sociologist and MP of the "Bulgarian Socialist Party for Bulgaria" Prof. Ivo Hristov told BNR. He stressed that there is a disease, it is very insidious, but the reaction to this infection is disproportioned to what we have. "A lot more people died from swine flu than from Covid-19," he said.

He defined the cliché "conspiracy theories" as the new censorship:

"People have a distrust of vaccines because they know they're being lied to. We're not talking about vaccines, it's a huge success for humanity. Through this focus, however, something deeper lieing transpires - the huge gap between the elite and others and the enormous distrust of this elite, not only in Bulgaria".

According to the MP, people do not know how this coronavirus appeared, do not know why there are hidden effects of the novel disease course:

"The more serious issue is that a huge number of elites around the world have used Covid hysteria to achieve their goals for new forms of governance, manipulation and control. For new forms of retaliation for all the social and other freedoms that people in the civilized world have won over the last 100-150 years."

Elections in the face of a pandemic

"There are not many unknowns. Neighboring Romania held exemplary elections at the height of the pandemic. Of course, here this is used as a pretext - when you do not want to do a job, you will find thousands of reasons not to do it. ... If they do not know how - let them see from the "Danube Bridge", commented Prof. Ivo Hristov.

In his words, the president has only set an approximate date - March 28, in accordance with the Constitution, but assumed that Rumen Radev will decide...

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