Cabinet reshuffle: A new narrative with new readings

By Kostas Tsaousis

I must disagree with the always polite and low-key spokesman for main oppostition Syriza, Nasos Iliopoulos, as regards his reading of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' cabinet reshuffle, which was announced today.

I will not focus on his decision to isolate and play up the transfer of former agriculture minister and Western Attica District MP Makis Voridis, whome he accused of being an exponentof the «extreme right», to the critical post of interiot minister.

In other word Mr. Iliopoulos insists, as is his right, upon a reading of the reshuffle, based on the political geography of the past.

He is unable to discern the wager of Mitsotakis and his inner circle as regards the effectiveness of the symbolism of various cabinet picks for the next day.

For example, it would be quite interesting to hear Mr. Iliopoulos' view of the promotion of Mr. Nikolas Giatromanolakis from the post of general secretary to that of deputy minister for contemporary culture at the cultue and athletics ministry, or regarding the appointment of Ioannina MP Yiorgos Amiras to the crucial post of deputy environmental protection minister.

These are mere details, one might say. What can be the significance of two ministers in a cabinet comprised of 56 members?

The answer is that ostensibly minor moves can make a big difference on the political chessboard!

I would suggest that even this limited reshuffle is full of messages and symbolism.

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