Croatian Earthquake Draws Attention to Neglected Region

"This whole area… is used for war scenes precisely because nothing has been restored in those 30 years" since the war, Pavlic said in an interview with BIRN. "It's sad, but the film industry saw the potential in that."

As for the more remote parts of the region, politicians "don't come even before elections," he said.

Struggling to survive

A house in the earthquake-damaged area, central Croatia. Photo: Daniel Pavlic.

Pavlic had already visited the issue in his 2019 documentary film Dear Mrs. President, a look at his native town of Hrvatska Kostajnica and the neglect, depopulation and unemployment that are ruining it. The story is told through a letter written by Pavlic to then President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, who had promised "prosperity".

"With this movie, I wanted to show that this [town] was forgotten, in a cultural and social [sense]," Pavlic said.

It also served as his announcement that he too was leaving. In February 2020, Pavlic moved to the Netherlands in search of a better life. He worked two jobs, but had to return to Croatia amid the fallout from COVID-19.

When the earthquake struck, Pavlic picked up his pen and camera "to point out the problem", documenting the personal stories of the quake's victims and trying to gather help for them via social media.

Damage on the wall caused by the earthquake, patched with a medical mask. Photo: Daniel Pavlic.

"When you enter those houses, when you see how people live, you get sad," he told BIRN. "But there's greater sadness when you come home and when you look at those photos - then you emotionally recall everything once again."

Local residents returned to the area after the war and the state rebuilt their...

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