How Bulgarians’ Vote Is Divided by Age and Education – Alpha Research

Alpha Research pollster made public the first data from the distribution of the vote by education and age brackets.

Of those with university master or bachelor degree 26% voted for GERB; 18% for DB; 17% for There is such a people!; 13% for BSP; 5% for Stand up! Mafiosi out!; 4% for VMRO and 3% for MRF.

25% of those with secondary education supported GERB. 20% voted for BSP; 15 put their cross in the box of There is such a people!; 12% voted for MRF; 5% for DB and VMRO and 4% for "Stand up! Mafiosi out!""

37% of voters with primary and lower education supported MRF; 24% - GERB; 23% - BSP; 5% - "There is such a people"; 3% - DB and 2% in the group voted for Stand up! Mafiosi out!""

Vote by age groups

Age bracket 18 to 30 years: 25% supported There is such a people led by Slavi Trifonov; 20% voted for GERB; 14% for DB; 12% for MRF; 8% for BSP and 4% for VMRO and "Stand up! Mafiosi out!""

 Age bracket from 31 to 60 years: 27% supported GERB; 16% - the party of Slavi Trifonov; 14% - BSP; 12% - DB; 11% - MRF; 5% voted for VMRO and "Stand up! Mafiosi out!""

In the senior age group (over 60 years) 30% supported BSP; 26% - GERB; 10% - MRF; 7% - Slavi's party; 6% - DB; 4% - "Stand up! Mafiosi out!" and 3% voted for VMRO


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