"Vucic turned on the light" VIDEO

"Vui turned on the light, he presented the facts (which indicate) a selective approach towards the convicts. Vui does not allow Serbia to be trampled on", Djuri said in an interview for TV Prva and pointed out that our country does not want to live in the 90s.
"We were not alone in the UN Security Council, but we are ready to talk. We are not giving up the fight for the truth and we strongly oppose becoming stigmatized," he added.
Djuri pointed out that a court has not contributed to the construction of bridges in the region in 30 years.
"30 years since the beginning of the bloody war, we again have a heated discussion, distracting the story of cooperation. This will not turn Serbia off the path of economic development and the path of cooperation. Ours is to fight for Serbia to be the most successful and that will be the best answer," Djuri said, adding that even the countries in the Second World War haven't been stigmatized in such a manner.

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